Prices are in New Zealand dollars. This series is best viewed on a big screen if possible for ulitimate viewing!
If you've done this class already, you are entitled to 40% off (please email me for the promo code).
Someone mentioned recently that she wanted to binge watch all the dyed & heaven videos in one go. I usually run this class over three weeks.
I thought, hmmm, maybe there are others who don't mind not taking part in a LIVE class and would like access to the details as soon as it feels right for them.
So I took myself off into the studio for the day and filmed myself demonstrating this amazing techniqne. And now......drum roll........for the first time EVER is the dyed & gone to heaven class with INSTANT access to all of it. ALL of it.
It's split into three videos:
How to it began
Examples of my dyed paper
What you need to get started
Working with the basics to get amazing results
Building on video one and adding some secret tools
Creating depth on the paper
Working with a selection of papers
My secret to getting amazing marks on the paper
Using some surprising tools to create unique marks
How to dye calico
During the videos I share a tonne of advice, information, troubleshooting options and over ten years of experimentation with you.
Buying this class also gives you access to the facebook group that's been running for years. There's loads of information and support within the group.
I suggest you read the frequently asked questions as this will hopefully answer what I get asked a lot!
PLEASE soon as you buy the class you're automatically sent the handout with all the details you'll need to engage in this class. It has the materials you'll need and the links and passwords to the vimeo recordings. Please download it ASAP as it does have a time limit (this is a Wix store thing not me!). However, if you miss it or it expires, get in touch and I'll send it manually.
I can't stress enough how experimental this class is. It's not a paint by numbers class, the best way to experience this amazing technique is to try it out for yourself.
The recordings are available indefinitely.
Dyed & Gone to Heaven is my most popular class. We dye paper and do some other exciting and secret squirrel stuff to make it simply divine. You won't ever buy paper in a shop looking like this.
As it's an online class and in my experience of teaching - most people like to watch and experiment afterwards and I recommend this, as there's a lot to take in.
A class requirement list will be emailed upon registration.
This is an adventurous and fun class where you'll be surprised at how quickly you can create depth in the pages using simple techniques and very basic equipment.
Once you sign up for the class, you'll be eligible to join the closed facebook group - dyed and gone to heaven. It's a place where past students can post photographs of their continued experiments and enjoy connecting with other.
Please note, the reason this has remained a secret is that individuals attend this class for their own interests and have respected my wishes not to blog about it or teach it to others.
If you are from an art institution please let me know so we can discuss. I don't train the trainers at this point, but I am available to teach at your place (within NZ or online).
A class requirement list will be emailed upon registration.
"I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that Liz's "Dyed and Gone to Heaven" techniques helped open the floodgates of my creativity. The playful process, one rich in experimentation and endless surprises, has allowed me to organically create some of my favorite books - books with texture and cohesion that have sprung forth without my needing to force anything. The dynamic process, resulting in spontaneous art created by my own hands, helps me channel my thoughts and emotions in a way that feels authentic and original to myself. During the process of making my papers, I am not comparing my work to that of others. I am no longer getting hung up on an arbitrary expectation that my work needs to say something profound or witty with text. The colors and shapes do the talking for me, which has changed the way that I approach my work."
Jill Dawson from Vermont, USA
Any questions just email!
Have a happy and creative day.
Please read the write up carefully and ask any questions before booking in. As once you buy this class there are no refunds or transfers to other classes as the handout with all the information is automatcially sent out to you.