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This is an exciting new class with Richard Stine, hosted by Book Art Studios. 


Having attended this class I can now say, drawing from the imagination is unlike any drawing class I've ever been to. It was liberating to know I can express myself through my own style of drawing. Richard opened up doors to those of us who felt stuck and had had particularly negative experiences either at art classes in school or in other situtions. And it wasn't just me who felt like this!


This live class with Richard was an absolute HIT! Those of us who were lucky enough to join him LIVE were captivated by his unique teaching style. Richard told us stories, entertained us with his drawings, gave us a peek into his sketchooks and showed us out of print published books of his. 


To have an audience with a working artist of this calibre is an extraordinary treat to those of us coming up the ranks. Richard has been an artist his whole life. He continues, at 83, to push the boundaries, explore the 'what if's' and go down paths just to see where they take him. 


Richard has been drawing from the moment he was old enough to hold a pencil in his hand. At a young age, he knew he wanted to draw all his life and wondered how he could be paid to do so. He shares with us in these recordings, some of his journey as an artist from walking away from an art school scholarship to learning how to sell his own work. This all fitted in perfectly to accessing the creative flow in order to free up the images that live in our imaginations. 


He is an encouraging and supportive artist who makes those of us who don't draw, want to pick up a pencil and give it a go. 


This class is for people who don't draw and want to,  and people who do draw and want to learn more! 


Drawing from the imagination with Richard Stine

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