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This is the last Book Camp I'll be running and I'm sorry, but it's already sold out.  






19th - 23rd November



Book Camp NZ is a four day live-in camp in which we create a range of book projects, here in West Auckland, New Zealand. 




  • $1870 (includes GST)
  • Four nights accommodation (sheets & towels provided) OWN ROOM! (i.e NOT SHARING)
  • Food (vegetarian and meat options)
  • Unique packs 
  • Liz’s undivided attention (officially from 9-4 each day)
  • Cleaning fees



Liz is the founder of book art studios and book camps here in New Zealand and Australia. An experienced book artist, author and teacher, Liz’s warm and engaging teaching style is popular amongst her students. She’s mastered the art of stepping in when needed and butting out when needed! She’s good with nervous creators and experienced artists allowing everyone to work at their own level, pace and expertise. 



  • One Small Drop
  • DIY Notebooks Made Easy (also in German)
  • Re:Create 
  • Dyed & Gone to Heaven.



We learnt very quickly at book camp, that in order to run an efficent event we needed an efficent person on the team. Cath, known fondly as Camp Mother, keeps book camp running smoothly. She’s my right hand woman who ensures I get the help and support I need to ensure I provide the help and support for the campers. A highly experienced artist herself, Cath delves in deeply and always amazes me at the stunning creations she leaves camp with. 



Bella Rahka is nestled in forest like settings based in the heart of Oratia, West Auckland. Once you embark on the drive down the long and winding driveway, you find yourself breathing deeply and automatically slowing down. 

Each camper enjoys a room to herself so there’s space to go off and have a nap/time out should the need arise. 

There are two wings on wither side of the classroom, each with a set of shared bathrooms. 

There are plenty of places around the property to enjoy a walk in the entensive gardens, reading quietly in the fully carpeted chapel or sitting outside in nature. 



Our classroom is open 24/7 and situated in the middle of the two accomodation wings. A large light filled room that opens out onto an expansive veranda. We bring extra lighting to ensure night owls can work efficently should they wish, but encourage campers to bring LED lights for their work stations. We also create a reading nook/lounge area in the classroom so students can grab a coffee/cup of tea and enjoy some time out as they need it, but still feel part of camp. 


Tables are laid out creating an inclusive community feel. Campers enjoy sharing their ideas/knowledge/skills so it becomes a giant pool of creativity students can dip into and delight in. 



Our food is freshly made each day by a local chef. 


Meals are provided from :

Wednesday evening to Sunday lunch time (breakfast/lunch/dinner)

If you're a snacker or like big meals, we suggest you bring extra food to accomodate.



Book Art Studios brings all manner of materials such as:

Cutting mats

Basic bookmaking equipment


Acrylic paints

Heat guns



Metal rulers

Collage suitcase


Most students arrive with everything but the kitchen sink! We NEVER go without what we need. We adapt/borrow/share/use our stash. And out of it all, come wonderful creations. Cereal boxes are nabbed (not mentioning any names) and turned into beautiful boxes. 



Alcohol isn't provided but students are welcome to bring their favourite tipple to book camp. There is plenty of fridge space. West Auckland is a 'dry area' so if you're coming from out of Auckland we recommend you buy your alcohol before you come into West Auckland if you can. 



There are a range of coffee shops, but we arrange to have coffee brought in daily for those of you who would like to sign up to the coffee run service (this is not included in the fees). 

A wonderful curio/antiquey shop filled with amazing treasures:

Just Plane Interesting.


Amazing book art studio Book Art Studios ha ha but it is!  If you're new to the area and would like to visit my studio I can arrange this. 


Questions? Email Liz: and ask away!


Book Camp New Zealand, four day live-in retreat 2025

Out of Stock
  • Book Camp New Zealand 2025 terms and conditions

    By signing up to book camp you are agreeing to the terms and conditions as set out below. PLEASE read these carefully and contact Liz if you have any questions, BEFORE signing up for Book Camp. 

    1. Bookings and payment:  A $300 deposit is required which is non refundable. This will be taken off the camp fees. Please note, your place is secured for Book Camp once you've paid in full.  Payment is in NZ dollars. Payment in full is required no later than July 31st 2025.

    2. Cancellations and refunds - once a payment has been made in full there is a 7 day stand down period in which you may ask for a refund. If payment has been made via paypal the fees will be deducted and the remainder (less the $300 deposit) will be returned. There are no refunds offered after the 7 day stand down period, however, we will accept another student taking your place if you can arrange it.

    If Book Art Studios are unable to run book camp for unforeseen reasons, or extreme circumstances not under our control. there are no refunds. A new date will be set for book camp or students may ask for their fees to be credited towards a future workshop (less $300 deposit). Please note, Book Art Studios are not responsible for any travel costs. 

    3. Concerns or complaints - please address any concerns or complaints to Liz Constable 021022 44684 or email:

    4. Health, safety and medical conditions - Book Art Studios is not liable for personal injury sustained or any lost, damaged or forgotten personal property, whilst on the premises of Bella Rahka. Book Art Studios will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce the risk of injury.

    5. Contact Details - Book Art Studios will use your contact details to keep you up to date regards any Book Camp news. Your details are safe and will not be shared with any other parties. All emails are sent out BCC. At camp, there is a discussion about how the camp attendees would like to stay in contact. 

    6. What the camp fees cover - The camp fees cover the cost of accomodation for four nights (Wednesday - Sunday) - we leave the camp no later than 5pm Sunday.

    Food is provided: 

    Wednesday (dinner)

    Thursday (breakfast/lunch/dinner) 

    Friday (breakfast/lunch/dinner)

    Saturday (breakfast/lunch/dinner)

    Sunday (breakfast/lunch)

    Teaching and some materials are included unless otherwise specified.

    Optional extras include: coffee runs.

    Please note, no students have been harmed during any book camps! 

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