I've followed Amanda Palmer for years. I adore the way she builds creative communities, includes people in her creative adventures and above all, makes art the way she wants to. She embraced patreon many years ago now, enabling her to produce music and other arty projects on her terms. This means, a lot of her music is put out into the world for people to listen to, for free.
Earlier this year, she was in New Zealand finishing a world tour. Faced with the choice of having to leave quickly due to the world spinning on its axis, or hunker down in our neck of the woods, she choose the later. And 9 months later, she's still here.
She's just finished putting on some shows around New Zealand and last weekend, my sister and I went to the show in Hastings. It was the creative adventure I didn't realise I needed.

Amanda began her performance like this! She's an outstanding performer and well worth the price of a ticket.
It was livestreamed for free around the world, thanks to her Patreon's (giving you an idea of the types of projects she's able to do).

The lightning was magnificent. Well done to Toitoi: Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre, you did a grand job!
Amanda reminded us to support musicians and go out and listen to them!

If you want to follow her adventures or become a patreon (you can for literally $3NZ per month) then go here:
And despite being exhausted and hungry at the end, she showed up in the foyer to sign books, people and anything else thrust in her direction!

Including my copy of her book
The Art of Asking.
Yesterday, I went on a wonderful adventure to Waiheke Island to join in an intimate gathering of patreons at an eco village with Amanda herself. It was a fantastic day. I didn't take any photos, I just allowed myself to reveal in the experience.

This was taken last week at the Hastings concert, I'm so giddy with excitement, can you tell??
Have you ever met your hero/heroine? What was it like?! I personally, was delighted.
P.S I rang my neighbour to ask her to feed Millie the cat as I'd be away on Waiheke all day until late. I said excitedly: "I'm off to Waiheke to spend the day with a rock star." to which my neighbour replied, "Have a nice day with your friend." Bless.