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Stamping + Journalling = Bliss


If not now, when?

Just recently I’ve switched into “if not now, when?” mode and I’m going out of my way to make things happen that I’ve talked about for ages. Or, I’m dropping the idea and moving on. It feels, great!

Stamping & Journalling Compliment Each Other

So earlier in the year Sandra Waine and I ran the first Stamping and journalling class that we’d talked about doing for a couple of years now at least! It was an instant success and by the end of it, we knew we had a great class to offer students. I love how stamping and journalling feed into each other so creatively and smoothly by complimenting and extending each others medium.

Sandra Waine - Printmaker

Sandra’s a very experienced stamp maker who’s spent hundreds if not thousands of hours honing her craft, and it shows. It’s really good for someone like me who’s competent in one artistic form to sit in on another! Of course Sandra made it look so easy and she’s great at guiding the students through the process. You're in great artistic hands when it comes to the stamping part of the class.

So, just what does happens in the class?

We begin the class with Sandra talking everyone through the process before we get in to it ourselves. I cannot begin to tell you how exciting it is to watch a design transferred onto a piece of rubber and then carved out. The squeals of excitement fill up the studio as the newly carved stamp is inked for the first time and given a test run is simply exquisite!

Lunch time

After a communal lunch around my new gorgeous kitchen table chatting together easily like creative women tend to do! We dive into the second half of the class.

Liz Constable - Book Artist

If you don’t know me, if you haven’t been to any of my classes, here’s a quick run down. I’m a very experienced teacher. I’ve been teaching in one form or another since I was 16!! So its fair to say, I love it. You’re in good hands with me, I allow people to experiment and explore in my classes but I’m right by you prompting and encouraging when and where needed.

Journalling with Liz

It doesn’t matter where you think you can journal or not, I’ll take you through the steps and as the group is usually no bigger than 6, I have lots of time to give you encouragement and support. The students either bring a book along (blank journal, a book they’ve made with me, a book from the $2 shop) it doesn’t really matter - it’s just something to work with. Both Sandra and I have handouts that come with your packs (I LOVE doing packs for classes!). So we talk about the techniques listed in the handout then we get to work trying them out.

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