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Cheer me up postcards are back!

Ages and ages ago I created a cheer me up postcard service. I created quite a few for people to send to someone who, well, quite simply needed cheering up (for one reason or another). The added bonus was, I always felt happy and lifted after creating one for someone!

The reason I've put these back in the shop is to celebrate friendship. And, to be honest I could do with cheering myself up as I've just waved off my old school friend, Cath, who just made her first visit from the UK to NZ. We have had an awesome three weeks together. As we first met at primary school, I was going to post a photo of us but mysteriously some of the boys faces have been scratched out! Ouch - the 7 year old me was clearly a little madam!

When Cath and I went to Marist High School we met Rebecca and as we already knew Fiona from primary school the four of us became firm friends. In our 20's we hung out a lot and enjoyed going to night clubs (leaving to go out at about 10:30pm! ha ha do you remember doing that?!).

Here are the famous four from left to right: Cath, Liz, Fiona and Rebecca.

And now here are 3 of the 4 at Piha last weekend....I know. We HAVEN"T changed a bit!! ha ha ha.

As Rebecca now lives in Tasmania, we were so excited to have her join us for a weekend of adventures, 1980's dance videos and of course wayyyyy too much wine!

We missed Fiona though!!!

I have lived in New Zealand for 30 years now! But there’s something to be said about spending time with old school friends from what seems like a past life. Cath is living in the city of Manchester I chose to leave behind in search of another life. It evokes all kind of thoughts, feelings but mostly a lot of laughter.

Here’s to old friendships - and all that goes with it!!


If you have an old friend, or even a new friend, a family member or a work colleague (basically anyone who needs cheering up!), then simply leave a comment on the blog. A smelly face or even a smiley face (ha ha ha had to leave that auto correct in!!) will count as an entry. Please check back on Tuesday March 6th at 7pm (NZ time) to see if you have won! I will simply draw a name out of the hat. Whoever wins this cheer me up postcard can choose who to send it too. I will personalise it a little more and pop it in the post to them - free of charge.

Meanwhile. if you’d like to know more about the cheer me up postcards and see some more photographs of the one that's up for grabs go here.

"Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious

as to have friends at a distance;

they make the latitudes and longitudes."

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