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# Book Camp 2017

It all started over a glass of wine with these lovely ladies in April 2017. I had just finished running a workshop at Fibre Arts in Ballarat, Australia when Helen, (second from the left) said:

"We want to come and work with you in New Zealand. In the first week of December - think about it girls, we step out of the Christmas madness and spend a few days creating. We just make sure we're organised before we leave."

I thought they meant Christmas 2018. No flies on these Aussies, they wanted December 2017!

I had my work cut out finding caters and a suitable venue. Not to mention arranging projects and an agenda in between producing a second book and an already heavy workload!

I was so lucky to make contact with Yvette from Bella Rakha retreat , Oratia - only five minutes from my studio. The date was booked. The projects were set. Flights were arranged. Seven NZ ladies came on board and suddenly we were sorted. Before we knew it - we had arrived, unpacked and made the main room our own!

There may have been wine but what happens at book camp, stays at book camp!!

We were catered for by VEVO foodstore and my, their food is outstanding. We did not go hungry!

We laughed, we created in our pjs, we set our own time frames, we wandered in and out, went off for beach walks, learnt a tonne of new techniques shared ideas, gave feedback and made lots and lots of books.

All in all, I think we can say book camp 2017 was a success.

Here's what Teresa from Australia (in case you can't tell from the accent) had to say about it.....

A huge thanks to everyone who attended and for your input. You all contributed, making it the wonderful occasion it was xx

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