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How to create curly bits with paper and a metal ruler

As promised in my book Dyed & Gone to Heaven,  I said I'd show you how to do a slip knot. It's a really useful knot to know how to do. 

Create a notebook from one of the projects in my book DIY Notebooks Made Easy.

How to create an inspirational washing line

Are you at a loss as to what to do with all your ideas?

Are they in a jumble all over the place?

Do you write your ideas down on a piece of paper then forget where they are?


Let Liz show you how to store them creatively and have them on hand as required. 


You’ll only need basic supplies, most likely you’ll already have the items to get started. 

FREE how to create an inspirational wash

1. String (as long as you want your washing line to be!)

2. A pair of scissors

3. Paper to write on

4. Favourite pen/s

4. Little pegs

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